Thursday, June 13, 2013

Limericks - Set Four

And here are some more:

There was a tour guide named Liz
Who really knew her Biz
We all had great fun
With plenty of Sun
and now we can all pass her Quiz

There once was a bus driver named Paddy
He was so good as our Caddy
He took us to Sites
And for many yummy Bites
And that's how we all got so Fatty.

A queenly lunch with a Tipple
Caused the news cast to Ripple
The horse was a Dud
Surely no Stud
And the royal visit ended in a Pickle.

Peat from the Bog
was played with by the Dog
Flipping it into the Stew
Required a run to the Lou
Causing a massive Clog.

All in a Diddle
The Coach stopped in a Spideal
Since the hotel was a Far
We stopped at a Spar
Liz warned us not to Diddle.

Dublin doors are of all Colors
Reds, Blues, Greens Yellers
All the lads they still Drink
Their wives they do Think
It keeps them from losing their Fillers.

In Derry, the PFNI
Diversity they decided to Try
As hostilities Cease
The goal is real Peace
No matter the banner they did Fly.

There once was a man from Limrick
Who could make-uptight verse real Quick
He could make up a Rhyme
In fact, in no Time
I'm not he, so this verse aint Slick.

Standing in the window of Dromoland Castle
Stood Georgie in a Hassle
The paparazzi took a Dare
Without ever a Care
Exposing the Presidential Tassle

Title: Floored
The hotel floors in Ireland Exist
Between the UG+LG mist
In the haunted Ground
Dead travelers Abound
Fading into the Celtic Bliss

The Final installment, next, as Set Five. 

Limericks - Set Three

Here is a third set of Limericks.
I am surprised how many were of these were written! :)
It is also beautiful to see how everyone has a poet inside!

At the Fort on the river Shannon
The walls, they always had a Man On
On this old keep
Soldiers dared not to Sleep
Lest the gentry be blasted by Cannon

Liz Morga of Cork was our "all of Ireland" tour Guide
She shared with us her vast knowledge of the emerald isle,
Liz answered all our questions with Class and Style
Paddy and Liz made this tri an Enjoyable, fun filled Ride
We are left with a feeling that their blood runs green with an Irish Pride.

19. By Kathryn Birrcher of New Orleans!
Oh, that we could see
All that Ireland could be
As sure as we hear the stories of the past,
May there be peace at Last,
Fearless in this great Country.

Title: All of Ireland
We travelled South, West, North and East, as Liz and Paddy showed us the Treasures of the Island
Twenty six plus six counties equals one Ireland
An Emerald Isle "For Sure"
A thousand welcomes "We Concur"
"Indeed" the Irish gathering Celeberation of 2013, truely represents "All of Ireland".

Ireland has a great deal of Gorse
It is edible just by a Horse
While lovely to See
It is extremely Spiny
You do not want to get in it of Course

I went on a trip to the Emerald Isle
Where everyone greeted me with a Smile
The country side was as green as it can Be
There is a sight to be seen every Mile
I am now prouder then ever of the Irish in Me.

There once was a woman name Marie
Who travelled across the wide Sea
She came to Ireland
Thought the place a Grand
But now at home she must Be.

Paddy drove us far and Wide
Around this land we did Ride
To Castles and rivers we did Go
And places to delight us So
Gently, smoothly we did Glide.

There once was a girl named Cheryl,
Who put my funny bone in Peril,
I laughed so Hard,
My bones I Scarred,
I think, it made my Hysterical.

And if you wrote one of the above - please let all of us know by commenting below! 

For the next installment - Set Four - please click here:

Limericks - Set Two

Here are some more Limericks.
Please do comment if you are the author / poet!

The Vikings Sailed the Ocean Wide
Alas they landed on the Tide
They fought the local People
And Ravished the church Steeples
But, Alas together they did Abide.

An Irishman's witt is hung
Upon the peg of a rapier Tongue
The rains spit, the winds blow
And the English never seem to go
Tis a blessing to be the full of Dung.

A pretty young girl from Killarney
Was wanting to go Kiss the Blarney
At the stone she did Slip
Fall and banged up her Lip
Now the boys miss her Kiss in Killarney

13.  By Madhvi.
Two young boys from Galway
Must be thru high school about Halfway
They dance at Trad on the Prom
But keep their grades at school in the form
Hope they can keep knee ailment at the Bay.

14. By Madhvi
We were on a Brendan Coach
With a lady who bought the last Broach.
We saw a thatched Roof
Where they sold 6 Euros a Hoof
And the Whiskey we drank was Irish not Scotch.

15. By Madhvi
We met Browns, Martins and McNamarra
Talked to Joyce's at Conemara
To Ireland they Come
Looking for their loved One's
Be it O'Kelley, O'Connor or O'Harra

16. By Madhvi
There was an Irish man on the Moon River
He had a few jokes in his Quiver
Queen Maeve burried standing up in her Gown
But they say it rains when cows sit Down
Do I doubt these Irish tales? Never !!

Click here to go to next set of Limericks - Set three.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Limericks - Set One

First Set of Limericks:
If you are the author - please let us know by commenting on this post.

In Ireland there are many stores
And the men are always such bores
The beer they did try
And they spit in your Eye
So the women took home gifts galore.

They told us of Leprechauns bold
Pretty fairies from days of olde
We were lucky to see
So many a fairy trees
But saw nary a pot of their gold.

3. Same author as #2.
At the fort on the river Shannon
The walls, they always has a man on
On this old keep
Soldiers dared not sleep
Lest the gentry be lasted by Cannon.

Our coach driver from Brendan Tours was Paddy
Who lives in Killarney and married my aunt Hattie
They met one night under the fairy tree
and after playing ring-around-a-rosy
They produced a family of three.

I was getting from Dollar to Euro
My conversion not totally thorough
When along came pound sterling
To set my mind whirling
I don't know if I'm rich'o or poor'o

6.Same Author as #5
Packing can be such a hassle
Especially after trying a passel
So dump what you brought
and pack what you bought
And carry it back to your Castle.

7. Same Author as #5 and #6
Traveling the roads around Connemara
The traffic as something a terr'a
With Paddy' s expertise
We made it with ease
Fine driver and jolly good fell'a.

8.  Same Author as #5 and #6
Traveling around Galway Bay
It was just a beautiful Day
The company was Fine
The scenery sublime
We felt like shouting 'hurray'.

9.  Same Author as #5 and #6
A knowledgeable lady named Liz
A travel guide above all in the Biz!
With a driver named Paddy
A skillful young Laddie
Touring Ireland was purely a Whiz.

Click here to go to next set of Limericks.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Ireland ?

Why Ireland:

Since we planned our trip, our colleagues, friends and families, and when we traveled to Ireland our fellow travelers and whoever we met in Ireland asked one common question:
- "Why Ireland" ?

For me it was a place my wife visited few years ago and was so impressed with it that she wanted to see more and wanted me to see more of it together. I had very little information about Ireland and knowledge of its dramatic history.

After an enlightening 12 day tour of Ireland (Republic and Northern) I must say the question actually should have been "Why not Ireland" ?

My intent is to take you through that journey of Ireland's rich history, amazing nature, diverse landscape, nice people and their pride of their land.

Stay tuned, I am hoping that my blog in coming weeks will answer the question better.